Al Waseelah Logo

Shariah Compliant Sukuk Issuance Platform 

Al Waseelah is an award-winning platform dedicated to the democratisation of Sukuk issuance and promoting the global growth of Islamic Capital Markets.  Issuing Institutional or Fractional sukuk has never been easier.

How can we assist you?

Need to raise capital for business

We offer a comprehensive solution for structuring, arranging, originating

and listing of corporate, financial institutions and fractional Sukuk. 

Liquidity Management

We have delivered award-winning multi-currency liquidity management products starting 30 days rolling.

We provide exposure from UK  to emerging markets  through a wide range of asset classes, green Sukuk, short and long term products. 

Structuring Investment Solutions

Key Characteristics

  • Fully Shariah-compliant issuance platform
  • Stock Market listed and traded
  • World leader in Fractional sukuk
  • English Law structures 
  • Flexibility for duration and currency
  • Time and cost-efficient plug and play solution
  • Freely Transferable 
  • Thought leadership and advisory

Our Impact

Keep track of your investments through our dedicated portal

To enhance transparency and security for both investors and insurers, we have built a dashboard with proprietary technology. The dashboard is up to date in accordance with the principles of the “Look Through Approach” set out in various regulations which include Solvency II, capital adequacy rules and BIS capital retention rules.