Al Waseelah is an award-winning platform dedicated to the democratisation of Sukuk issuance and promoting the global growth of Islamic Capital Markets. Issuing Institutional or Fractional sukuk has never been easier.
We offer a comprehensive solution for structuring, arranging, originating
and listing of corporate, financial institutions and fractional Sukuk.
We have delivered award-winning multi-currency liquidity management products starting 30 days rolling.
We provide exposure from UK to emerging markets through a wide range of asset classes, green Sukuk, short and long term products.
To enhance transparency and security for both investors and insurers, we have built a dashboard with proprietary technology. The dashboard is up to date in accordance with the principles of the “Look Through Approach” set out in various regulations which include Solvency II, capital adequacy rules and BIS capital retention rules.
This website and its contents are prepared by Al Waseelah Ltd. The information presented here does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation and is not an invitation to invest. Nothing in this website or its contents is intended to nor will create any binding obligation on anyone. Applications for any investment referred to in this website may only be made from authorised distributors. Prospective investors should be capable of evaluating the risks and merits associated with any investment and have sufficient resources to bear any losses. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by Al Waseelah Ltd or any of its associates, affiliates or subsidiary companies or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers, representatives or agents or any other person or entity as to the fairness, adequacy, accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this website or its contents or in any written or oral information made available to any interested party, and no liability whatsoever is accepted by any such person in relation to any such information or opinion